As a way to create an audience for their work, recently the grade 9 classes have begun blogging. As part of this process, students were asked to recount an experience they had during their week long adventure at Bamfield Marine Centre on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Here are some samples of their work along with their blog address.
Students love when people visit their blog (we are keeping a class tally for the blogs with the most posts). Please visit their site and feel free to leave a comment.
Day 1: Sunday,
September 9th
Bamfield was a fun, stressful, and a little bit scary
trip. It started off like every other trip with packing and organizing
all the gear, but then began the stressful part. You need to make sure you have
everything, and as I later learned make sure your rain boots don’t have holes
in them. I won’t go into to much detail about getting there, because that
was not much fun. Flying with 100 caffeine filled grade nines was a little
bit of a scary plane ride. Actually quite short, we were then off the
plane and onto the bus where the long ride began. Much like other trips
at CSS the bus ride was long, tiring, and full of movies. It was only the
last part of the buss ride that was different; a dust covered logging road. Now
I thought it was going to be 10 to 20 minutes. Nope. It was one and a half hours
of long winding dusty road. As the sun slipped behind the trees, the outside
became pitch black, and we all became tired being bounced around on the “road
that never ends” as Mr. H called it. Tired hungry and a little bit mad, we sang
the song “if you ever asked how much longer.” FINALLY we made it to Bamfield,
although you couldn’t see anything, as it was blacker then black itself.
The next step was dragging our bags up a small mountain, a rocky hill and 3
flights of stairs to our dorm.
Day 2: Monday,
September 10th
From the crusted cracking dirt road to a lush moist path of
slick stumps and roots. Bamfield has the wide spread diversity of Canada.
Prodigious slates of rock watch over Bamfield from across the inlet meeting
tree-covered hills rolling across the horizon making up in my mind the most
impressive views Bamfield can offer. However, the Bamfield rain forests
captivated my attention with its range of diversity in plant and animal
species. The Rain forests of Bamfield are the homestead of trees that have
prospered for over 500 years in their constant battle for space and light. The
pure majestic beauty, smell, and vibes cannot be captured through words. No
camera could signify the sensation you felt during our voyage, the
peacefulness, success, and prosperity resonated through every leaf, branch, and
tree soothing me, slowing my breathing. The distant sent of the sea was very
evident throughout the trek seeping through the trees like water flowing
through a filter. Rays of light endlessly glimmer down, fighting to reach the
moss-carpeted ground that softens my every footstep. Every element of this
complex ecosystem builds to me a little piece of paradise. The pathway wound through
the trees touring through a new world of life seeming to continue for an
eternity. Eventually, the pathway broke from the trees realms onto a rocky
beach covered in the tides rotting remains, the smell of salt overwhelming my
senses as the waves sprayed mist up into the air as though spiting on me,
showing its dominance. Not a power to be reckoned with.
-A Blog
Day 4: Wednesday,
September 12th

Sea spray gently slapped my face as the boat lurched
into full speed. Our first destination was an island with numerous sea lions.
Within 50 meters of the barnacle-encrusted shoreline, cries that sounded like
dogs filled my ears. The source of the boisterous hubbub was sleek rolls of blubber
that lay on jagged boulders; California sea lions. The Alta D cruised around
the island, which was bursting with rambunctious California sea lions.
Eventually, we finished gaping at the exuberant beasts and started to head
back, collecting sea creatures along the way with a dredge. Miles away from
Bamfield inlet, the captain of the ship reeled in the dredge, which was
brimming with sea creatures. Everyone impatiently waited for the captain to
empty the dredge out so we could handle all of the marvelous creatures. Sea
cucumbers, sea stars, sea urchins, and snail shells dispersed into an enormous
tray full of seawater. Mesmerized looks covered everyone’s faces as everyone
felt every animal, snapping photos to remember this day. After fifteen minutes
of handling the creatures, it was time to let them go. I released a gorgeous
Rose star, watching intently as it plopped into the sea. Moments later, the
Alta D was moored at the docks, and we all hopped out of the boat. Being on the
Alta D was an experience I would never forget.
-M Blog
I stood on the Alta, waves hitting the boat with a
slap. Wind rushed though my thick sweater, cooling me. The boat
vibrated trying to keep going against the massive waves. The smell of
salt lingered around me. The boat plunged into an enormous wave. Water
went over the top of the small boat, soaking me. My body started to shake
desperately, trying to warm me up. My lungs filled with the humid
air. I twisted my head so that I looked out on the rolling sapphire
water. I could now see the rocky edges of the uneven shore. As we entered
a bay, something suddenly caught my eye. It was a Sea lion. Looking
further revealed more than two-dozen of this strange blubbery creatures.
Their barks and roars filled my ears. Most of the sea lions lay at the
bottom of the rocks but the few at the tops looked regal and in control.
I yearned to see them closer, but the boat was taking us as close as it
could. For several more moments I stood entrapped by the majestic animals
in front of me. But soon the boat lurched into the open ocean, leaving
the sea lions behind.
-S Blog
-R Blog
Day 5: Thursday,
September 13th
Vibrant orange fabric covers my shoulders and is draped down
my torso, creating a vest-like shape. The firm styrofoam that's stuffed
inside the fabric performs as a protector from the calm ripples below. I
squeeze the pebbles tightly in my hand, so none of them will fall. My
shoulders and stomach already hurt from my flotation device that is awkwardly
placed in between the dock and me. I grip the edge of the cold, moist dock
with my free hand as I look down the line of students. They are all in the same
position; lying down with their backs facing the bleached constellations above.
'On the count of three, we'll drop the rocks.' This booming voice
seams to come out of nowhere. Whispers of excitements are carried in the
wind. The same voice calls out again. 'Everyone ready?'
Nudging Melanie who's lying beside me, we quickly exchange smiles.
We're ready. 'One.' The exciting chatter slowly fades.
'Two.' Now there is silence. 'Three.' I release the pebbles
one by one. Thousands of bright, luminescence turquoise specks are pushed
out of the way, attempting to dodge the falling rocks. The splashing of
hand disturbs the calm Pacific Ocean, everyone's trying to touch the glowing
wonders floating under the water's surface.
-T Blog
'Excitement sparked through my veins
like electricity, energizing me as Mr. Hoyt-Hallet led us down the winding dirt
trail. Tall trees and shrubs loomed over us with moonlight dappling through the
trees. My rasping breath was loud in my throat as we navigated down the metal
ramp. The night sky was a black abyss, white stars sparkling across it like
paint splatters on a canvas. My lungs expanded as I drank in the cool and tangy
sea air. After what seemed like forever, we finally placed our feet on the
wooden dock that rocked gently on the midnight blue glass like surface.
Before long we were instructed to move in our bulky, neon orange life vests
down the unsteady gang walk, and to lie face down on the damp wooden surface.
An odd instruction I thought, wondering how this was relevant. But I placed
foot after foot in a careful stride to the end of the dock, my stomach a
nervous ball of excitement. I folded my legs until I was lying on the dock, and
my clothing slowly grew damp with left over seawater. My gaze moved from my
similar-positioned peers and to the dark depths, and my eyelids widened at the
sparkling flashes of light that danced in the water. They moved rapidly, too
fast for the human eye to follow. The light mirrored the stars in intensity as
they flared and gleamed in the darkness.
-K Blog spot:
As all flashlights and lamps switched off, the dark of the
night quickly engulfed my classmates who were lying on their bellies on the
side of the damp dock. The water sparkled with miniscule plankton, letting the
water bounce them up and down. My hand swayed through the water, watching the
glowing plankton glow even brighter wherever my hand swished. I look back
to the other side of the dock and spotted some classmates yanking a large rope,
which slipped out of the water and little dimly lit bits attached themselves to
the long rope. I suddenly heard a large thumping sound thatshook the dock a
bit, feeling like a miniature earthquake. I tried to find the source, searching
through the darkness to find Mr. Hoyt-Hallett jumping up and down on the
unstable dock, causing ripples to tear through the water. The little plankton
in the perimeter began to have spasms as every single ripple collided with the
plankton. The process continued and a large area around the dock was lighting
up like a light bulb. As he stopped stomping on the robust wood, darkness
quickly swallowed us again. As I stared blankly at the luminescent specs, it
started to become a bit monotonous. I decided to take a break and turned myself
onto my back and stared at the dark void above, filled with the clear and
bright stars and planets, both near and distant.
Day 6: Friday, September 14th
Discovering bioluminescence, participating in the whale labs
and the exciting boat trip on the Alta, made this experience by far my most
memorable CSS trip. However, the one memory that really stood out to me was our
final activity at Brady’s Beach.
During our time there, this was the only occasion in which
all 100 of us participated in the same activity together. The walk on the rocky
path was long and dragged on as all we had to look at was trees and dirt.
However, as soon as we passed the clearing, my eyes were amazed. The sand was a
clean, beige color, sparkling in the sunlight. The water rippled through the
shore, which left the sand a dark muddy color. It was a glistening hot day, and
I enjoyed every minute of it. Around me, my peers’ voices were filled with
excitement and joy. The first thing we did was take a grade picture; a memory
of Bamfield. After this, we were given thirty minutes of free time. I spent
this time walking around the beach, taking pictures and splashing a few people
with water. If you ask me, it was time well spent. After our thirty minutes
were up, we got into groups of four, and examined the biodiversity of a
specific tidal pool. It didn't take us long to find the perfect tide pool.
There were an endless amount of anemones, with little fish swimming around,
crabs and feather duster worms. There was everything! Well, not quite, but
enough to entertain the mind of this city girl. As we examined this lively
heart-shaped pool, the perfect presentation idea came to our minds. A rap!
Heidi, Olivia, Beth and I had the most exciting time creating this rap, and we
were eager to present it. Overall, I had a wonderful time at Brady’s Beach, it
was a great way to end our Bamfield experience.
1 comment:
The title the Bamfield diaries certainly caught my attention; it is very intriguing and exciting. It is great to have students blogging about their learning experiences. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the student blogs and I am looking forward to reading more throughout the school year. We always learn so much about learning and teaching and the Calgary Science School experience through the student voice. After reading the blogs I have a much better appreciation for the richness of the Bamfield experience. Clearly it was a very intense and engaging learning experience. I have never heard of the ocean glowing in the dark and it must have been fascinating to see and touch the many specimens from the bottom of the ocean. I was impressed with each of the blogs and the descriptive, engaging writing styles.
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