By Anton S (Student, 8.3)
Recently, grade eights embarked on a mission to complete graphic novels based on a list of short stories including Alice Munroe’s Day Of The Butterfly and Roald Dahl’s Lamb To The Slaughter. During the process of creating the graphic novels we were asked to convey the theme of the story through our illustrations. We were also asked to create graphic novels that draw in the reader through diverse paneling, the introduction of poetic language, and varying points of view. Although this process took over a month to complete the time and effort put into the project was well worth it.
At the end of the unit we were given the opportunity to present our exceptional creations to the City of Calgary. Specifically, the students were able to share their hard work at something called the Kensington Market Collective, which is a place where artists from all over Calgary come to display and sell their original artwork, jewelry, clothes, music and much more. Although we were not selling our novels, on Saturday, Dec. 10th the classes of 8.3 and 8.4 had a chance to showcase their graphic novels at the Kensington Market Collective. Overall, the booth representing our graphic novels at the market was a hit. During the all day session about 14 students took turns showing their work and explaining the process of making a graphic novel. Many came and went to see the wonderful graphic novels that our grade eight classes created. Having our work marked by teachers is nice but having our graphic novels appreciated by a wider community, many of whom were artists, is even better.
I thought it was a fantastic idea to have these students share their final products with a larger community. They did an exceptional job and have a lot to be proud of. Great job 8.3 and 8.4!
Anton, and the grade 8.3 and 8.4 humanities students:
It is so exciting to see students blogging about their learning experiences! I appreciate your description of the experience of presenting the theme of a short story through graphic novel illustrations and the various techniques you used to present your story in an engaging manner. It must have been very rewarding for you to showcase your work at the Kensington Market Collection. As you observe, the feedback from your teachers is appreciated, but the ultimate recognition of your accomplishments is the enthusiastic response from artists and community members. Well done! Garry McKinnon
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