Over the course of a few months, students selected and researched a figure from Canadian history who they personally identified with based on their characteristics, struggles, accomplishments, and life story.
Students demonstrated their connection with this historical figure in a number of ways including the recreation of diary entries, museum installations and a podcast interview with the historical figure. As a summarizing representation of their findings these grade 5 students each created a unique identity puzzle piece which shared the connections they felt was a historical figure.
Students demonstrated their connection with this historical figure in a number of ways including the recreation of diary entries, museum installations and a podcast interview with the historical figure. As a summarizing representation of their findings these grade 5 students each created a unique identity puzzle piece which shared the connections they felt was a historical figure.
To house all of this work, each student was given the opportunity to create their own personal webpage about their figure, which was then assembled into a class website sharing the stories of these 50 figures from Canadian history.
This video tells the story of the project from the teacher's perspective.
Your video clip very effectively demonstrates how your students through the historical figure inquiry were able to develop a deeper understanding of and appreciation for how history is alive, exciting and interesting as well as to learn more about themselves and their interconnectedness. You provided a powerful learning experience for your students through the process of having them create their own webpages.
Garry McKinnon
I was wondering if I could have the link to the final website that housed your student's projects?
Thank you,
Hi Camille -
Thanks so much for your question!
We used MobileMe to create and house the website because it was the only way we could link 50 different webpages to one site. Unfortunately, Mac disabled MobileMe a couple of months ago, so sadly the website isn't accessible anymore.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
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