Gingerbread House Building Contest - Grade 8/9 Leadership
In December, the Grade 8 and 9 Leadership class held a Gingerbread House building contest for charity. After the contest was finished, we donated the houses to various organizations including the Mustard Seed, Avenue 15 - a homeless shelter for youth, the YWCA Sheriff King Home, and Woods Homes. Teachers were asked to work with their classes to choose 5 participants to represent each class. The houses were judged based upon their aesthetic appearance and overall build quality. The design and appearance varied, some were simple and minimalistic while other were very ornate with many decorations brought in from the participants. In the end, there were many good entries, so we decided to choose a winner from each grade. Each of the participants was awarded 5 House/Colour points while the winning teams from each grade were awarded an additional 5 points. The contest turned out very well in the end and the Gingerbread Houses were very much appreciated by all of the recipients.
The Grade 8/9 Leadership students who organized this event would like to give a big THANK YOU to Ken Wlad of Sobeys who donated all of the Gingerbread kits. Without him, all of this would not be possible.
Winners by grade (10 House/Colour Points each):
4.3 - Colin T., Sofia D., Erica R., Ethan G., Anna V.
5.4 - Kate L., Amanda C., Stephanie C., Jon B., Justin B.
6.3 - Jada B., Kristin M. Maggie C., Will S., Cole D.
7.3 - Harley D., Sarah P., Colby L., Connor S., Noah V.
8.3 - Jada A., Shaina F., Tyler W., Nick B., Jaime C.
9.3 - Jags B., Kelly H., Kayla R., Sabrina V., Calder K.
Written by Khoi N., Edward K., Cam B. (Gr. 8)

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