Moving 600 kids onto portfolio based-assessment was a massive undertaking for our Fine Arts teams, and they did a commendable job of embracing the possibilities of these digital tools.
The Fine Arts team, with the support of our administration, was given time throughout the year to wrestle with the move to digital portfolios, including the creation of one unified rubric.
This video captures the story of our first year of the project. We're so excited about the learning from the first year, and have already started our second year of the initiative with new ideas and enthusiasm.
If you have any questions or feedback about our move to portfolio-based assessment, please comment below.
Thank you for making this process public, including the challenges and celebrations! You have a very committed team, and have thought through the whole process in terms of involving stakeholders. Question: how are you connecting eportfolio assessment to reporting? How would students and parents see the connection?
WOw Did this work come out of a PLP project? This entire project is amazing. This concept is a prime example of personal assessment.
Would be interested in communicating with your excellent teachers and admin about understanding this process and practice and how to move towards implementing this type of reporting of student work.
The portfolio approach has definitely been an interesting journey for us! I'd be happy to chat sometime if you like. You can email me at neil (dot) s at calgaryscienceschool.com
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