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A Permanent State of Re-invention

I turn around and look at the teacher I was in August and my perspectives have changed so dramatically that I have some difficulty remembering exactly what it felt like 'before'.

I remember sitting down to plan with Amy Park in August and being confused about how to allow for openness in learning while restricting inquiry to the curriculum topics.

I remember answering a question about 'inquiry' in our first staff PD and feeling uncomfortable with the answer.

When Kids Love Math, Teachers Love Math

One our our newer teachers is pretty excited about the math that's going on in her classroom. While student engagement is the big talk in education right now - this video captures how classroom learning that is rich and meaningful for students can also lead to teacher engagement!

Inquiry in Math

As a school that tries to develop rich, inquiry-based learning experiences, one of the questions that often emerges is how we handle inquiry and math.

Our thinking around inquiry-based teaching and learning is that it develops 'disciplined' ways of being and thinking. That is, inquiry is more than students just 'doing projects.'